LahSET is Starting a Podcast
We have absolutely LOVED interviewing people for our blog and would really like to focus on continuing that. We will be starting a podcast so that we can get these conversations to as many people as possible. We hope to publish these weekly, just like the blog, and will keep you updated on which platforms they will be published on.
Please reach out to us via our contact us page, send us an email, or give us a call if you would like to be our next guest. Whether you’re a patient or a healthcare professional, we’d love to hear from you if you have a story or journey you’d like to share. We’ve had a lot of website traffic to read/watch our past interviews. No matter where you live in the country, we can interview you. We want you to have a platform to tell everyone what you’ve been through, as well as bring awareness to those who might be going through a similar journey. You can make an impact with your story and bring purpose to what you’re going through. Please share this with friends and family, so that we can offer this opportunity to as many people as possible.